Best practices for passwords
To protect your account and data, we recommend you to choose a password that matches at least two of the following criteria: At least 8 characters. Special characters: *, /, -, %, &, etc. Uneasy to guess, neither a relative’s name or birthday, nor an obvious sequence (“qwerty”, “password”, “123456”, etc.) Ideally, important passwords should be changed every month. Be careful to not exhibit your passwords, for example do not leave them on a Post-it on your desk, where anyonFew readersGoogle Chrome
Google Chrome is one of the browser we recommend for the best experience with InterviewApp. In order for us to record your one-way video interview, you have to allow access to your microphone and webcam in the pop-up that appears at the top of your browser. So make sure to click "Allow". ( readersI have been disconnected from the Internet. What can I do?
If you get disconnected while you are taking your video interview online, please follow the tips detailed in the article “How can I improve my Internet connection speed?” to fix this. Once you are connected to the Internet, please click the interview link included in the invitation email you received. It will bring you back to the question following the one whose recording was interrupted.Few readersOpera
Opera is one of the browser we recommend for the best experience with InterviewApp. In order for us to record your one-way video interview, you have to allow access to your microphone and webcam in the pop-up that appears at the top of your browser. So make sure to click "Allow". If you have denied access to your microphone and your webcam when this pop-up appeared, go to your browser preferences and click “Website” in the menu on the left. In the “Camera” section, clickFew readersMozilla Firefox
Firefox is one of the browser we recommend for the best experience with InterviewApp. In order for us to record your one-way video interview, you have to allow access to your microphone and webcam in the pop-up that appears at the top of your browser. So make sure to click "Allow". If you have denied access to your microphone and your webcam when this pop-up appeared, simply refresh the page and click “Allow” when the authorisation pop-up reappears. In order to downloaFew readersChat support
This is the fastest way to get help. Available 24/7, it allows you to chat with a member of the InterviewApp support team or to leave them a message that will be addressed asap. To open a chat session, you only need to click the icon at the bottom right of your screen.Few readersHow can I test my camera?
1. In the Video Setup page, first click the “ENABLE WEBCAM” blue button in the black box on the right of your screen: If you are using Google Chrome, a permission box should show up at the top of your browser. Please click “Allow”. 2. At this stage, your camera shFew readersInternet connection issues
If you are encountering issues with your Internet connection during the interview process, it will be indicated during the Equipment Setup phase (If you want to know where to find the Equipment Setup Page, please read our article Where can I find the Equipment Setup page: If “OOPS” is displayed in front of “Stability of your Internet connection”, it means that you won’t be able toFew readersMy webcam resolution is not great. What can I do ?
No need for a very high resolution webcam to record correct videos. However, if the rendering is pixelated or the image is jerky, you will soon notice during the video setup phase, right before your one-way video Interview. To improve the image quality : Make sure no other software is using your webcam at the same time, or create interferences. Close all other softwares before you start your interview with InterviewApp. Try to record your one-way video interviewFew readersAdjusting the recording volume of your microphone
Adjusting the recording volume of your microphone on your computer You can find the “sound” settings in the Control Panel or System Preferences and adjust the recording volume from there. Adjusting the recording volume of your microphone on Mac Go to your System Preferences Select “Sound” Select the tab “Input” Use the slider to adjust the Input volume and speak to determine the recording volume. If you still have problems with the recording volume, please contactFew readersInternet Explorer
Our application is not supported by Internet Explorer. Please log into your interview though one of these browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera.Few readersI’m using Google Chrome and I can’t click “Allow”
You should see a grey bar at the top of your browser Google Chrome. Please make sure you clicked “Allow” in this bar. If you have accidentally clicked “Block” or are unsure, you can click “Secure” to the right of the website address and check the authorisation. If youFew readersHow can I improve my Internet connection speed?
To ensure the best connection speed during your interview, please close all applications that may use your connection and consume bandwidth. It may not be enough to solve your connection issue. In this case, please restart your computer to make sure that all programs that used the bandwidth are effectively closed. We also recommend you to use a wire connection instead of a wifi connection. Moreover, ask people you share your Internet connection with not to use the bandwidth while you are compFew readersChange your account e-mail address
To change your e-mail address: log into your InterviewApp account; in the left menu, click “Profile”; select the “Profile information” tab then update your informations; click “Edit” to validate; you need to enter your password to confirm the change.Few readersWhat do I need to take a video interview on InterviewApp?
To take your one-way video interview on InterviewApp, you will need: a good Internet connection a camera a microphone a quiet environment a well-lit room a good attitude!Few readers